Los Angeles






Author: The Law Offices of Michael C. Murphy

Uninsured and Underinsurance Motorist Coverage

personal injury

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to be involved in an auto accident where the other driver has either no insurance coverage or insurance coverage that is so low that you will not be properly compensated.  The State of California only requires that drivers have $15,000 in policy limits for bodily injuries and property damage.  The policy limits determine how much money the insurance company has to pay you.  So what do people do if they are involved in a serious accident and the other driver has either no coverage at all or only has the bare minimum $15,000 in coverage?  Well,...

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Why Wills and Trusts Are Important

If you own real estate in California, you need to have an attorney prepare a will and trust for you.   The following are answers to some basic questions we often receive from our clients. What is a Will and Trust A will and trust are legal documents that provide a written declaration as to how you want your assets distributed after you pass away.  We always prepare trusts for our clients as they can provide tax advantages and can be utilized as a tool to avoid death taxes and inheritance taxes later.  When you prepare a trust, you appoint a trustee.  While...

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Does Someone Owe You Money?

Our law firm specializes in collecting money and debt that is owed to you for the hard work you put into a project or a service you have provided to a client. There are countless contractors, professionals, and businesses that provide a service or a product and then are not paid for it, which is fundamentally wrong. We are all entitled to the fruits of our labor. The following are answers to some common questions that we receive from our clients on a regular basis. Do I Really Need an Attorney? The short answer is that it really depends...

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Contract Basics

We all enter into contracts with each other in society on a daily basis.  When you order a drink at Starbucks, you are entering into a contract to pay for a benefit in return: a tasty beverage.  Sometimes contracts are verbal and sometimes they are written.  This article demonstrates some critical features you should look out for in written contracts.  As the old saying goes: “If it isn’t in writing, it doesn’t exist.”

Will Uber and Lyft Survive in California?

  1. A California Court Ruled that Uber and Lyft Drivers are Independent Contractors

On August 10, 2020, a California judge ruled that Uber and Lyft are to classify their drivers as employees when this entire time they were being classified as independent contractors.  The State of California brought a lawsuit against Uber and Lyft claiming that they were misclassifying their workers.  Uber and Lyft have since appealed the decision, which could bring years of litigation defending their business models.

Do’s and Don’t’s on Social Media Posting

Los Angeles Lawyer

1. Don’t Post About Your Case on Social Media

One of the worst mistakes you can do when you are in a lawsuit is to post about the suit on social media. If any of your accounts are open to public view, all of your comments and posts about your case can be used against you at trial. They are considered “admissions” by you and even if you are just joking or writing something just for entertainment or a reaction online, it can come back to haunt you later. The golden rule in this situation is to simply not post about anything that could be remotely connected to your lawsuit or any of the people involved in your lawsuit.

10 Tips On What To Do When You’ve Been Injured In A Car Accident

personal injury lawyer

Seek Medical Care The first thing you should do if you are in a car accident in California is seek medical care.  It is often that victims in a car accident do not realize that they are seriously injured because of shock.  A car accident or motorcycle accident can be a traumatizing event that people will remember all the years of their lives so it is important that you go to the hospital whether you can afford it or not. Many injuries often develop long after an accident too, such as back pain, arthritis, permanent scars, inability to run, walk, stretch, bend...

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