Los Angeles






Client v. Confidential

Our client was an employee that worked as the Vice President of Sales for a major corporation. After a change in management structure, our client became severely stressed and anxious. He took a leave of absence to get medical help. Once our client recovered from his stress-related disability, his employer gave him mixed signals as to whether they were going to take him back to work. The employer continued to pay for his company vehicle, laptop, covered his health insurance, and other employee benefits but stalled on a start date.

Before our client could return to his old job, he found out he had cancer. The company officially put him back on disability leave. After eight (8) grueling months of treatment, our client was ready to go back to work again. The employer told him that the only position they had available was an entry-level sales position. The employer ignored a Vice President position that was available as well as other management roles. After ongoing games with the employer, we decided to sue.

We brought suit against the employer for disability discrimination, failure to provide accommodations, wrongful termination, failure to engage in a good faith interactive process, breach of duty, etc. After a week long arbitration, the judge ruled in our favor on 8 out of 10 employment claims. The employer quickly settled for $650,000.00.